Thursday, 5 February 2015

Production: Deciding title typography

For our titles we have chosen three different typography's from LiveType:

American Typewriter-Regular

MS PGothic- Regular

Nanum Brush Script- Regular

Focus Group

We audience tested these font's with our target audience, being predominately young adults from 16-25 and asked them to choose the font that best fitted the genre. We asked 6 people for their choice and to add some comments: 

American Typewriter: 4

MS PGothic- Regular: 1

Nanum Brush Script: 1

American Typewriter appears to be favourite George added "The typewriter style makes it feel older and adds more of a mysterious level" and Joe added 'That the others were too basic and curved, the formal style goes well with the genre"

We asked Joe Castle 18, George Youel 18, Sophie Tyacke-Norton 17, Tom Denny 19,  Leah Tait 18, Dan Head 20.

Based on this research we established that our font should be American Typewriter, as it was most favoured with our target audience and gives a good sense of ambiguity for our film. 

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