Monday, 10 November 2014

My Chosen Genre

For my film opening we have gone down the route of a thriller, we have decided to do thriller because it has a wide range of codes and conventions that can be used to create the film and show off our skill set. 

This mood board I created gives an idea to the typical codes and conventions that are scene in thriller films, such as location, character archetypes, costumes and props. Typically the antagonist is unknown and the protagonist is some sort authoritative figure.

The conventional storyline for a thriller is a protagonist seeking to solve a mystery by catching an antagonist, or by restoring a sense of justice back into the setting a location. Locations are usually in derelict and abandoned places, for example Shutter Island. Another convention is a twist or an unexpected event that will throw back viewers and shock them, giving a sense of thrill and mystery that they aim to get. Examples of this are The Usual Suspects, Unbreakable and the Sixth Sense. 

Thrillers are usually aimed at older audiences, preferably males from 16-30 as they contain action, violence and thrills, giving them a sense of bravery when watching the film. These conventions will not appeal to younger audiences as they may unintentionally frighten themselves. Characters is thrillers are usually relatable to the target audience, being the same age and class as them, for example Final Destination is exceptionally popular among young adults. 

Technically thrillers use a lot of incidental music to create tension, as well as either extremely slow camera movement to emphasis tension or extremely fast, montage, shots to emphasis chaos and disruption. These can be useful when planning and executing our final project.  

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