Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Planning: The Treatment

One theme of our idea is abduction, the planning, execution and ending. It will help raise awareness of the problem within the real world as well giving an audience a thrilling experience.

The narrative structure will be chronological, although used in a dual narrative. The narrative will follow the two character separately however the viewer will have a timescale of who is where at a specific time, due to the way the victim is being followed. The narrative will end when the two characters meet, this will end the dual narrative and start a singular narrative, and set the tone for the rest of the film.

The characters seen will fit all their archetypes, the antagonists will be instantaneously recognised as an antagonists from his costume and make up, he will be dressed in all black, connoting he doesn’t want to be seen. The victim will be wearing clothes stereotypical to her age group which will relate to the target audience.

The setting will be in a rural area, a night time. This will thrill and scare the audience as the locations are relatable to them. Two rooms will be used to start of each narrative, they will both be messy, but with some organisation.

Mise-en-scene for the antagonist will include props such as several notes, a planning board. This will give the audience a sense of thrill and connote the antagonists methodical planning for the crime.

The camera work used will be very specific, over the shoulder shots and POV shots will be  used for the antagonist, this will create mystery for the audience. The over the shoulder shots will be establishing the surrounding he will be in. The shots for the female character will be more direct, with some tracking shots, as well as panning shots to establish her as a character as well as the environment she is in. Close up shots will be used on the watch to get a direct reading with the audience and make them focus on one specific point, connoting it’s importance.

Mainly cuts will be used, simple editing within the opening. The pace of the cuts, and lengths of shots will steadily increase as the tension builds and the characters get closer to meeting, montage editing will also be used. We also plan to do an advanced transition when the camera goes from on location to another by travelling through a wall. This will connote that both narratives are happening simultaneously.

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